Kamis, 19 Juli 2007

Pengelolaan dana SWISSCASH

Kemarin ada yg nanya, "ada yang tahu wangnya di investkan ke apa?"

Pertanyaan yang sangat bagus sekali.....
Semoga gambar-gambar serta penjelasan di bawah ini bisa menjawabnya:

SwissCash merupakan bagian dari Swiss Mutual Fund (1948) S.A

  • Dari berbagai SwissCash Investor di seluruh dunia, terkumpullah "Hundreds of Million Dollars".
  • Dan dimasukkan dalam berbagai instrument seperti Divisi Project, Hedging, Equity, HYI, Commodities, Forex, dan lain-lain.
  • Pengembalian rata-rata (Average Return) sekitar 25 - 45% per bulan.
  • Dikembalikan pada masing-masing SwissCash Investor 25% per bulan (lihat gambar di atas). Itulah darimana para investornya memperoleh hasil.
Bagaimana strategi pengelolaannya ? di bawah ini saya copy-pastekan dari sumber resminya di:


Risk Management is an integral component of SWISS's overall business and investment strategy. Risk within our organization is managed by a combination of position and sector diversification, maximum exposure to individual investment instruments and sectors, hedging, and by working with reliable and financially secure business affiliates and trade counter-parties.

As outlined in the portfolio section on this site our portfolio is broadly diversified therefore limiting the risk. The fund hold's a minimum of 100 different positions at any time split into 15-25 different sectors.

Position Limits
The fund limits its maximum exposure to each individual position to 3 per cent of the portfolio at all times. Since positions are usually hedged the actual risk to the portfolio is less than 3 per cent, however.

Sector Limits
Stock sectors are allocated a maximum of 7 per cent. As with individual positions the sector exposure is hedged decreasing risk for the overall portfolio.

Hedging Techniques
The portfolio, individual stocks and stock sectors are usually hedged through the use of derivatives, mostly futures and options. The use of over-the-counter derivatives is not typical, however, such instruments may be used if traditional hedging techniques are not available.

In order to limit risk that may arise from illiquidity when entering or exiting positions, the fund only invests in liquid securities and instruments. Positions can be established and exited without the risk that the purchase or sale significantly affects the price of the underlying investment.

The fund's counter-parties are selected for the financial stability, technical capability, reputation, ability to execute orders, and other factors that may pose a risk to the fund and its investors. All individual brokers and brokerage firms undergo a due diligence check before the fund establishes a business relationship. Moreover, SWISS assures that the confidentiality of the fund's positions is assured.

Personalized Privacy
Swiss offers clients tailor-made, integrated solutions. A thorough review of each client is undertaken in a completely private environment to determine the most appropriate strategies and structures for his/her investment goals.

Global Presence
Swiss has the expertise and systems in place to help clients invest wherever and whenever opportunities arise. Through Swiss, clients have access to execution, settlement, and reporting services in virtually any U.S. or International market.

Service First
Each client has a unique set of circumstances and needs that demands prudent and objective attention. At Swiss, clients can be assured that the investment professionals with whom clients work are dedicated specialists with years of training and experience.

Our Network of Professionals
has established a network of professionals within The Dominican and globally that can assist you with other issues that might be of interest beyond the investment process.

Bagaimana SwissCash / Swiss Mutual Fund bisa membayar dividen yang cukup besar?

Jika anda meneliti tentang Swisscash mereka membuat investasi di Republic Dominica (offshore).

Mengapa Offshore? :

  • Alasan pertama adalah bebas pajak (Tax Heaven). Lebih dari 600 serikat institusi keuangan beroperasi di sana. 35 diantaranya adalah TOP 100 ranking global bank, dan 24 dari negara lain juga beroperasi di sana. Jadi Keuntungan yang bisa diperoleh adalah tinggi. Dan pernahkah anda mengetahui bahwa sebuah bank yang cukup terkenal di Indonesia, yaitu HSBC juga mendaftar di offshore ?, lihat saja di : http://offshore.hsbc.com/1/2/home Buat apa Bank HSBC mendaftarkan diri di offshore, kalau tidak untuk memperoleh keuntungan yang lebih besar dari cara yang konvensional ?
  • Tidak perlu membuka kantor secara fisik (yang tentunya memerlukan dana yang sangat besar). Perusahaan Offshore hanya menggunakan "Virtual Office saja" untuk keperluan fax, e-mail, telephone, dsb.
  • Tidak perlu menggunakan staff yang berlebihan (bayar komisi saja hanya 3-4%).
  • Sistemnya serba Online (hemat kertas, printer, hemat kertas fax, tidak perlu surat-menyurat, cert pun cukup online saja, tidak perlu "annual meeting", tidak perlu prospectus).
  • Tidak perlu menggunakan alat promosi, seperti TV, Radio, Surat Kabar dsb. hanya di internet saja, dan itupun yang promosi ya cuma investornya saja.
  • Internet Online 24 jam (tidak perlu membayar satpam untuk menjaga),
  • Artinya, kalau SwissCash menghemat 1% sehari saja, sudah cukup. Dalam sebulan ada 20 hari kerja, jadi total = 20%, belum lagi hasil kelolaan dananya di berbagai instrument, jadi wajar saja bila SwissCash bisa membayar investornya sampai 25% lebih.

Anda juga bisa pergi ke sana dan membuka account bank pesisir pantai (offshore) di sana.

Tetapi jangan kaget karena minimal investasinya adalah US$100,000, bahkan mungkin lebih.

Jadi tunggu apalagi ? segeralah gabung bersama kami dengan mulai daftarkan diri anda secara "Gratis" (Pre-Register 14 hari) di:

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